Thursday, March 1, 2012

Number Your Advance

                NOT SURE WHERE YOUR UP TO?
                            OR WHAT'S IN STORE?
                                          MEASURE THE STAGES WITH NUMBERS!
                                                       GET AN IDEA OF WHAT IS NEXT TO COME!

The numbers we all use in everyday activities possess much more than quantity ....
                                                   They have qualities that go far beyond the physical ....
                                                                                                             into the spiritual ....

They possess 
and if studied to fully find what they offer, can assist us to  
 discover and unravel 
where we are in the development of any aspect of our lives........
          Relationship, Career, Business........
1       UNO      ONE      SOLO      EIN       1
T h i s   i s   t h e   s t a r t 
(obviously) (some are so straight - or so they seem??). 
A single moment, a single idea, a single decision.....
(ps...this blog sequence was one)

It's the spark of vision, the ignite, the first flicker of illumination.....

symbolising the beginning of a modified future!

You can be sure that whatever it is ... it has begun a journey..... it has taken it's initiator into a forward motion.
And, in that moment,
 the taking in and attracting of the necessary energy 
                                                                        for the adventure has been initiated.

Guess what number? (I know - chicken or the egg?) 
I say the chicken!!
2 coming up...........